The votes are counted and the winners are posted. You may recall last August Romance Book Scene reviewed CZECH MATE and awarded my work 5 Stars. This morning I’m doing back-springs around my office. My inbox had a message that of all the books Romance Book Scene reviewed in 2009, CZECH MATE was awarded second place in the Romantic Comedy category! My heartfelt THANKS for this terrific honor.
If you go HERE you can see a complete list of winners.
Just to refresh your memory. :)
Sloane Taylor
ISBN-13: 978-1-60272-522-5 (Electronic)
Amber Quill Press – Amber Heat

Here’s a snippet from from the terrific Romance Book Scene review;
Looking for a good book that will keep you laughing with a heroine who knows how to laugh at herself even when times are down, than Czech Mate is the choice for you. Lacey has a great bold, sense of humor and there were times when I out right laughed out loud through this book. The sex scenes are hot and the couple in the story are perfect for one another. This novella is a wonderful quick read.
You can read the complete review from Romance Book Scene here.
Again, Thank you, Romance Book Scene. I’m one ecstatic author!
I’ll be back Monday when we feature a new release from fantastic author Sarah Grimm you won’t want to miss. Until then…
Happy Writing!
Sloane Taylor
Sweet as Honey…Hotter than Hell