Thursday, May 06, 2010


And even more so after I received this notice:

Literary Nymphs reviewed Isabella Ignites giving it FOUR AND A HALF NYMPHS and some amazing props.

Thank you, Amazon Nymph! I'm happy and grateful you like my work.

Sloane Taylor
Aspen Mountain Press
ISBN: 978-1-60168-256-7
Genre: {M/F} Contemporary
Rating: 4.5 NYMPHS
Literary Nymphs Reviewer: Amazon Nymph

Here's what Amazon Nymph had to say:

Isabella Ignites is the last book in the Magnificent Men of Munich series. Rhineholdt and Isabella both have some emotional baggage that comes through very clear as the book progresses. While the chemistry between the two is very good, the book focuses more on the emotional aspects of both main characters. Characters from the previous books pop up and give each some good advice.

The tone of Isabella Ignites is a little different than the earlier books as they incorporated more interaction between the main and secondary characters of each book. I liked reading this book and, while I think you should read the entire series, you can read each alone and enjoy.

You can read the complete review HERE.


I'm off to celebrate. Have a super weekend! I'll be back next week with Lizzie T. Leaf, a terrific author you'll want to read. Until then...

Happy Writing!

Sloane Taylor
Sweet as Honey...Hotter than Hell

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